IFAM is presenting its blog about safety and security products and solutions

catálago seguridad industrial IFAM

IFAM is taking a step forward in its online content strategy with the presentation of its new blog. The blog,, was created with the goal of providing useful information to professionals and the general public primarily about issues related to safety and security products and solutions related to locks, anti-theft devices and industrial safety.

For many end users the internet has become a primary influence. The goal of the IFAM blog is to provide orientation about how to better protect their homes, vehicles or work places, for example. So when they go to a hardware store or locksmith, they will already have an idea of what they need.

Aimed at professionals and the retail public

For the hardware, locksmithing and industrial supply professionals, who are the primary influencers for the brand on the ground, the blog provides additional technical materials and information that will help them provide better information for their customers, which will result in higher satisfaction with their shopping experience.

One example of the articles that will fill out the blog are the inaugural posts about such diverse topics as key and cylinder master keying, advice for buying a padlock, how to avoid robberies with the bumping method or the lockout-tagout products, used for avoiding workplace accidents during industrial machinery maintenance and repair, and more.

The content of the blog will be published every 15 days in Spanish, English and French to reach customers in the more than 60 countries where IFAM products are present.
